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American Voting “City Hall” Zoom Program

09/24 - 21:00


American Voting “City Hall” Zoom Program

13:00 Monday 23 September   

21:00 Tuesday 24 September 

Zoom only – external link provided upon registration with Netanya AACI 

(Note, not a Netanya AACI event)

FVAP (Federal Voting Assistance Program) is hosting two special Town Hall zoom programmes that will discuss voting from overseas. Possible problems and ways to make sure you receive your ballot on time, and your ballot is counted. They work to ensure overseas citizens are aware of their right to vote and have the tools and resources to successfully do so – from anywhere in the world.

Their goal is to increase Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) voter awareness of available tools and resources.

Questions will be answered: if you are having problems registering or not sure if you should vote, now is your chance to ask the experts.

Members and Non-members: free

Call the box office at 09-8330950 or register online to receive the Zoom link.



Our final opportunity to vote from Israel in the US Federal Election for Congress, Senate, and the President is here. We can hire or fire elected officials who determine laws that might impact us. By not voting YOU allow others to speak for you and laws that are passed by Congress, Senate, or the President might make a difference in your life. FATCA is a perfect example of a law that was passed that has hurt many overseas voters.

Voting from overseas is not that difficult. Each state has its own voting deadlines and laws. Your last address in America determines your voting district. Register to vote online, request your ballot to be emailed, print, and follow instruction on how to return your FPCA   https://www.fvap.gov/

Are you a parent or legal guardian that was last domiciled in the US? 38 states, plus D.C., allow children who were born in Israel, but never lived in American to vote in the US Federal Election https://www.fvap.gov/citizen-voter/reside

Need help filling out your FPCA (Absentee Ballot Request), printing your forms, or have any questions? Please contact Netanya AACI member Andee Goldman. Since 2008, as a non-partisan volunteer, she has helped and encouraged Americans living in Israel to vote  votingfromabroad@gmail.com

Remember, your vote counts!


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American Voters Zoom Program 24 Sept - Members and Non-members