Endurable Powers of Attorney (EPA), Wills and What’s Between Them
Presented by Gidon Cohen
10.00 Thursday 7 March
In this talk Gidon Cohen will:
- Define and differentiate the above legal instruments in layman’s terms
- Explain the many advantages of drawing up an EPA and give practical suggestions of what to include in your EPA
- Go through the many common misconceptions about Wills and common mistakes made in drawing up Israeli Wills
- Give some ideas on how to protect the family assets if the surviving spouse remarries or if your estate will include minors or family members with special needs
There will be time for questions and answers.
Gidon Cohen is an English-speaking, Israeli-qualified lawyer practicing for over 35 years specialising, amongst other fields, in Wills and EPAs. He has lectured on these and other areas of law both in Israel and overseas.
Members NIS 20
Non-members NIS 30