
When members experience a loss, it is difficult to know how to deal with procedural issues or where to turn for help. AACI Counselor Yanina Musnikow MSW is fully informed in this area and is available to our members for help on practical issues at a time of loss. 

To make an appointment to meet with Yanina please call 09 8330950 or send an email to

Yanina can also be consulted by email

When a loved one dies at one time or another, we may be faced with handling burial procedures for a loved one.  In order to make this difficult task less trying, especially in a new country, the following information can prove helpful regarding procedures to be followed and forms to obtain.

  1. Hoda’ Petira – Notification of death, must be obtained from a doctor. This is a special form; an ordinary letter is not sufficient.
  • If the person died in the hospital, the form is prepared there.
  • If the person dies at home, telephone Magen David Adom (MDA) or the doctor who was treating the patient to come and prepare this document.
  1. Call your local hevra kadisha (burial society). The main hevra kadisha office is:  Hevra Kadisha Netanya, 12 Petach Tikva St., 42460 telephone 833-3419, 833-3476.  Avoid socalled “experts” who offer their services to do this.
  2. Obtain a rishayon kvura (burial permit).  Whether a person dies at home or in the hospital, a burial permit is required before a funeral can take place.  Take the te’udat zehut   with notification of death to the Ministry of Health which issues  the burial permit. Their office is at 23 Weizmann Street.  Telephone 830-0111 from 8.00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., fax 09-861-1546.  The phone numbers of doctors who can issue burial permits after office hours are posted at the entrance of the building.  This is especially helpful if the funeral is to take place at night.  Note:  government hospitals such as Ichilov and Tel HaShomer automatically provide the burial permit.  Non-government hospitals such as Beilinson, do not.

The burial permit must be presented at the funeral home or hospital in order to arrange a funeral.

  1. Burial Costs
  • The Bituah Leumi (National Insurance Institute) provides a plot for the deceased in his or her area of residence free of charge. This applies to citizens and permanent residents.  The hevra kadisha  determines the place of burial.  Although no charge is made for plots allotted by the hevra kadisha, reservation of a second, adjacent plot for a spouse or other family member must be purchased.  This is also the case when a specific section of the cemetery is requested.  AACI burial plots are available in the greater Jerusalem area.  For more information AACI office telephone: 02-566-1181, ., -566-02 fax
  • The cost of transport of the body from the hospital or home to a cemetery within the area of residence is also borne by the National Insurance Institute…if such transport takes place before the hour of 4 p.m.
  • The services of the hazan (cantor) of the cemetery are paid for by the National Insurance Institute. The family may, of course, choose someone else to officiate, and negotiate his fee privately.
  • The cost of the headstone is borne by the bereaved family.
  1. Obituary Notices

Announcements may be posted near the home and/or place of work of the deceased and at the home and/or workplace of his or her relatives.  These can be ordered through a printer and can be provided at short notice.  Obituary notices may be phoned in to various newspapers:      Yediot Aharonot, Ma’ariv, HaAretz  Phone:  1-800-333-333 Fax:  1-800-333-334 Phone Sharon at 04-868-3313  Jerusalem Post Phone:  1-800-222-221, ext. 2 for obituaries Fax:  02-531-5475 After business hours (5 p.m.) Phone:  02-531-5457

  1. Death Certificate

A te’udat petira  (Death Certificate) is issued by the Ministry of the Interior at 13 Remez Street, Netanya, telephone *3450.  If the person dies in the hospital, ask if the hospital automatically sends in the doctor’s notice of death ( hoda’at petira ) to the Ministry of Interior.  If it does not, or if the death took place outside a hospital, a copy of the doctor’s notice of death must be taken by one of the bereaved to the Ministry of the Interior.  This can be done after the shiva (week of mourning).  Keep the original death certificate but have many copies made.  They will be needed by various government offices, banks and wherever proof of death is required.

  1. Guarding of the body is approximately 100 shekels

When members experience a loss, it is difficult to know how to deal with procedural issues or where to turn for help. AACI Counselor Yanina Musnikow MSW is fully informed in this area and is available to our members for help on practical issues at a time of loss. 

To make an appointment to meet with Yanina please call 09 8330950 or send an email to

Yanina can also be consulted by email

When a loved one dies at one time or another, we may be faced with handling burial procedures for a loved one.  In order to make this difficult task less trying, especially in a new country, the following information can prove helpful regarding procedures to be followed and forms to obtain.

  1. Hoda’ Petira – Notification of death, must be obtained from a doctor. This is a special form; an ordinary letter is not sufficient.
  • If the person died in the hospital, the form is prepared there.
  • If the person dies at home, telephone Magen David Adom (MDA) or the doctor who was treating the patient to come and prepare this document.
  1. Call your local hevra kadisha (burial society). The main hevra kadisha office is:  Hevra Kadisha Netanya, 12 Petach Tikva St., 42460 telephone 833-3419, 833-3476.  Avoid socalled “experts” who offer their services to do this.
  2. Obtain a rishayon kvura (burial permit).  Whether a person dies at home or in the hospital, a burial permit is required before a funeral can take place.  Take the te’udat zehut   with notification of death to the Ministry of Health which issues  the burial permit. Their office is at 23 Weizmann Street.  Telephone 830-0111 from 8.00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., fax 09-861-1546.  The phone numbers of doctors who can issue burial permits after office hours are posted at the entrance of the building.  This is especially helpful if the funeral is to take place at night.  Note:  government hospitals such as Ichilov and Tel HaShomer automatically provide the burial permit.  Non-government hospitals such as Beilinson, do not.

The burial permit must be presented at the funeral home or hospital in order to arrange a funeral.

  1. Burial Costs
  • The Bituah Leumi (National Insurance Institute) provides a plot for the deceased in his or her area of residence free of charge. This applies to citizens and permanent residents.  The hevra kadisha  determines the place of burial.  Although no charge is made for plots allotted by the hevra kadisha, reservation of a second, adjacent plot for a spouse or other family member must be purchased.  This is also the case when a specific section of the cemetery is requested.  AACI burial plots are available in the greater Jerusalem area.  For more information AACI office telephone: 02-566-1181, ., -566-02 fax
  • The cost of transport of the body from the hospital or home to a cemetery within the area of residence is also borne by the National Insurance Institute…if such transport takes place before the hour of 4 p.m.
  • The services of the hazan (cantor) of the cemetery are paid for by the National Insurance Institute. The family may, of course, choose someone else to officiate, and negotiate his fee privately.
  • The cost of the headstone is borne by the bereaved family.
  1. Obituary Notices

Announcements may be posted near the home and/or place of work of the deceased and at the home and/or workplace of his or her relatives.  These can be ordered through a printer and can be provided at short notice.  Obituary notices may be phoned in to various newspapers:      Yediot Aharonot, Ma’ariv, HaAretz  Phone:  1-800-333-333 Fax:  1-800-333-334 Phone Sharon at 04-868-3313  Jerusalem Post Phone:  1-800-222-221, ext. 2 for obituaries Fax:  02-531-5475 After business hours (5 p.m.) Phone:  02-531-5457

  1. Death Certificate

A te’udat petira  (Death Certificate) is issued by the Ministry of the Interior at 13 Remez Street, Netanya, telephone *3450.  If the person dies in the hospital, ask if the hospital automatically sends in the doctor’s notice of death ( hoda’at petira ) to the Ministry of Interior.  If it does not, or if the death took place outside a hospital, a copy of the doctor’s notice of death must be taken by one of the bereaved to the Ministry of the Interior.  This can be done after the shiva (week of mourning).  Keep the original death certificate but have many copies made.  They will be needed by various government offices, banks and wherever proof of death is required.

  1. Guarding of the body is approximately 100 shekels