Musings of a Dati US Diplomat
Guest Lecturer: Efraim Cohen
19:30 Sunday 1 December
Efraim will describe his experiences as one of the only observant Jews in the American Diplomatic Corps. Through a series of humorous and touching vignettes, he will consider such questions as: Is the State Department really anti-Semitic? How do you fight perceptions of “dual loyalty?” How do Jewish principles impact your role as a diplomat? Efraim will also offer timely observations on the alarming increase of anti-Semitism in America, make suggestions on how to improve Israel’s public diplomacy, and make a few predictions regarding US policy following the previous presidential election.
Efraim Cohen’s career as a US diplomat spanned 25 years and five continents. His overseas assignments included Baghdad (immediately after the Second Gulf War) and two tours at the US Embassy to Israel. He also served as Assistant US Special Envoy to Combat Anti-Semitism. After leaving the State Department, he was a Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center (now Reichman University) in Herzliya.
He has presented “The View From Israel” as a guest on US news media outlets. You probably recognise his name from his many Letters to the Editor and op-eds in the Jerusalem Post.
Members pre-paid NIS 40 Members at door NIS 50 Non-Members NIS 60
For tickets see below or call the box office at 09-8330950 or pay at the door.