Hebrew Classes – Ulpan






Hebrew classes with Tamar Halperin

2 week intensive courses from 27 August to 7 September

Courses meet everyday Sunday to Thursday mornings at Netanya AACI

Courses are taught by Tamar Halperin (MA), a tour guide and Hebrew teacher at the former Ulpan Akiva and in Jewish communities around the world.

Substitute teacher: Noga Becker

This summer, for the first time, Netanya AACI is offering a special and unique course!

Ten days of intense Hebrew learning, by the end of which you will feel a significant leap forward in your reading, speaking and understanding of the language.

The course will include a variety of learning methods: new vocabulary, grammar, discussing relevant topics in our lives, daily workout of 15 minutes in Hebrew, jokes and quizzes, choir, recorded interviews, video clips, drama-writing a script and acting it out, reading and writing, newspapers, a guest speaker, and more!

Lessons will take place between Sunday 27 August and Thursday 7 September, 5 days a week.

Hurry to register for this fantastic course!


Intermediate level Meets: 8.30 – 10.00am 

Advanced level Meets: 10.30am – 12.00 noon 

Please register at Netanya AACI Box Office.

Hebrew courses at Netanya AACI are private and participants must commit to the full course.


Please note all new olim are entitled to a free ulpan from the Ministry of Absorption; to check out ulpan eligibility contact your Absorption Counsellor at Netanya Ministry of Absorption phone 1599 500905. Alternatively, AACI Aliyah Counsellor Yanina Musnikow advises our members on all Aliyah matters: ymusnikow@aaci.org.il